Pro Image Design’s A-Team Takes on Range Day (No Explosions, We Swear!)
If you think our A-Team only conquers sign challenges, think again! Recently, the whole crew got together for something you’d probably only expect from the other A-Team—Range Day! No van chases or helicopters, just a bunch of us proving that while we’re great at designing signs, we might not all have what it takes to be action heroes.
We turned the afternoon into a full-blown competition, testing our skills (or lack thereof) with everything from rifles to handguns. It was a lot like your typical day at the range, except with fewer serious faces and more playful trash talk. The only downside? Trying to carry on conversations with ear protection. Spoiler alert: it’s hard to brag about your shooting when everyone around you is nodding politely but can’t hear a word you’re saying!
After the last shot, we ditched the earmuffs and swapped our shooting tips for dinner plates. A home-cooked meal gave everyone the perfect chance to finally declare who was the best shot—although, let’s be honest, we’ll probably never stop arguing about that one.
Alan and Tara always enjoy getting the team together for these kinds of outings, mostly because it’s fun to see if we’re as good at hitting targets as we are at hitting deadlines. Plus, it was the first time some of our Petoskey folks met the Traverse City team in person—meaning some of us were meeting our competition for the “Best Shot” title face to face!
Until next time, we’ll keep our sign-making hands steady and our trigger fingers ready (just in case)!